Wednesday, May 10, 2017
How to Create a Positive Business Mindset
11:30:00 AM
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Positive Business Mindset |
Positive attestations:
This thought works under the idea that on the off chance that you rehash something enough circumstances, you're in the end going to begin trusting that it's valid. While it can appear to be senseless when you begin, it's a demonstrated technique for changing your manners of thinking and giving you a superior mentality.There are a variety of techniques you can use for positive confirmations. A decent one is to remove time from every day with a pencil and a bit of paper. Begin by composing something positive about yourself. Make certain that what you compose is about you, is great and confirming, and is in the current state. You can proceed by concocting different expressions to say in regards to yourself or by composing a similar explanation again and again.
To make this one stride encourage, take a stab at composing your responses to your announcements beside them on the page. It doesn't make a difference if your responses or positive or negative, it simply must speak the truth about how it affects you. In the long run, you'll see your responses winding up plainly more positive (or if nothing else less negative). That helps you realize that you activities are working and changing your state of mind about yourself.
Encircle yourself with positives: If you are always encompassed by antagonistic individuals who just concentrate on the terrible things, at some point or another so will you. In your own and expert life, attempt to keep up associations with constructive, asserting individuals. Possibly they aren't fruitful, however they look on the splendid side and make themselves feel effective. In the end, their great mentality will rub off on you.
If things aren't going great for you, or you're always encompassed by pessimistic individuals and thoughts, your brain is presumably loaded with bunches of contemplations, a large portion of which aren't great. Clearing your brain of the considerable number of bothers can help you enhance your state of mind, and contemplation is an extraordinary approach to fulfill this. It likewise can help you rest better, feel better physically, soothe torment, and enhance focus.Representation:
Take a minute to consider why you're doing what you're doing. Is it to profit to purchase your fantasy auto, or is it to make enough to send your kids to school? Whatever it is, remembering your objectives will encourage spur you to work harder and continue onward. It will keep you contemplating the great things that will occur from your work rather than your present mishaps.So how would you keep these objectives in your brain? Imagine them. In the event that you can picture them, they'll be all the more genuine and substantial to you. To help you imagine, you might need to put visual associates in your work space. Locate a free bit of divider space and put photos of your objectives in that space - whether it's a photo of the auto you need, the house you need, or even only a photo of your youngsters.
Contingent upon your identity, remaining positive may take some work, yet it will be justified, despite all the trouble over the long haul.
Sunday, August 21, 2016
A Minute of Deliberate Attraction is better than None.
4:29:00 AM
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Law of attraction |
Before I explain why a minute of Deliberate Attraction is better than none, I'd like to begin by giving a definition of The Law of Attraction.
Definition of the Law of Attraction: I attract to myself, whatever I give my focus, attention, or energy to; whether wanted or unwanted.
It is important to understand that The Law of Attraction operates in every moment. Right now, in this very moment, each of us is offering a vibration and The Law of Attraction is matching that vibration and giving us more of it; whether or not we are offering that vibration deliberately or non-deliberately. As the definition says, whether wanted or unwanted, we attract more of whatever vibration we offer in every moment. When it comes to our vibration, whether or not they are deliberately offered, or non-deliberately offered, and whether or not our vibration attracts to us something we want or don't want, The Law of Attraction is still paying attention and operating in exactly the same way---in EVERY moment.
Ideally, we will want to become more deliberate offer-ers about the vibrations we offer. When we become deliberate about what we give our focus, attention, and energy to, we are practicing Deliberate Attraction! Here is an easy 4-stage cycle to help you understand why Deliberate Attraction is an important skill to practice.
Stage #1: You observe what you are attracting in any moment of your life.
Stage #2: While observing what you are attracting, you are offering a corresponding vibration.
Stage #3: Whether offered deliberately or non-deliberately, in every moment, The Law of Attraction is checking in with your vibration.
Stage #4: The Law of Attraction then gives you more of whatever you are offering vibration-ally.
This 4-stage cycle keeps repeating itself over, and over and over again. This is how you manifest more of whatever you give your focus, attention, or energy to.Notice the word 'attention' in our definition of The Law of Attraction. The more Deliberate Attention you give to something you desire, the more quickly it will manifest in your life. Imagine spending one minute deliberately placing your focus, attention, and energy on the way you want something to be in your life. You are filling that minute with deliberately offered vibrations. Your vibrations are summoning the energy of The Law of Attraction to start unfolding whatever you just gave your attention to.
Now that you understand, more clearly, the significance of being a deliberate offer-er of your vibration, isn't one minute of deliberate attraction better than none? Remember, when you give attention to what you Do want, you are including it in your current vibration. And, when you give attention to what you DON'T want, you are including it in your current vibration. The Law of Attraction doesn't make any distinctions between the two.
In closing, in every moment, including this moment RIGHT NOW, RIGHT NOW, RIGHT NOW, you are including both what you want and don't want in your vibration. Practice becoming more deliberate in your vibration and you will manifest your desires more quickly. That's what Deliberate Attraction is all about.
Allow Time For Germination
4:06:00 AM
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Germination |
There is a concept in coaching called seed planting. It means that it takes time for new ideas and suggestions to be embraced. There are clients that take hold of a new idea and run with it, some take a little more time to allow the idea to grow while others can take years before the idea sprouts. Still some clients will never grasp the idea. It will simply lay dormant. It doesn't really matter what the client does with the idea. The purpose is to plant the seed and the client can do with it what they will. Sometimes the idea just needs time to germinate.
A counselor once told me that not to make a decision is a decision. She said not to choose was a choice. I thought she was nuts and went on with my life. It was five years later when I was in the middle of a situation where I was avoiding a decision that her words hit me like a ton of bricks. I literally said out loud, "I get it." It took years for that seed to germinate in my brain until one day it sprouted and grew into a concept I understood. I was finally ready to get it. I wasn't able to hear it before, but with time, I had evolved enough so the concept made sense. New ideas can take time to get used to. When we first hear the idea we may not be ready for it. That is fine. When you are ready the idea will sprout and grow and be there for you.
The other side of this is not to force your ideas and suggestions onto other people. By all means share them, but leave it at that. Seed planting isn't an aggressive act; it is gentle and done with love and compassion. All you can do is plant the idea. What happens to it is up to the individual and what they are ready to hear at that very moment. The idea may sprout right away or it may take years. That isn't your concern. Your job is to plant the seed and move on.
Everyone is at different places in their lives. Sometimes you will understand the new idea right away and perhaps even take action on it in the moment. At other times it will take a while. Don't beat yourself up when you don't get something right away. It just means the idea is in germination. When you are ready the idea will sprout and grow and be right there to support you. Until then don't worry about it and go on with the ideas you are ready for. There will be plenty of idea seeds sprouting at any given time to keep you busy.
Friday, August 19, 2016
A Change will do you Good
8:00:00 AM
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Change |
We are creatures of habit and some find it difficult to adjust to changes that are certain to come our way. Life is like an old, comfortable pair of shoes. We may realize that we need new ones and we may even find new ones we really like, but, we know that changing will cause us discomfort for a little while until we break them in.
Sometimes we need to realize that life isn't always easy. What may be better for us is not what we are used to, but it is certainly worth the trouble of breaking in new habits and lifestyle changes.
Change does not have to be painful. Just look to nature and it will give you clues to how change can be effortless. The beautifully colored autumn leaves do not hang on to the old tree for dear life. No, they yield to the changes with ease and float gently off the tree.
With the coming of autumn we have been busy in our gardens pulling up the old stuff and getting ready for a time of rest. We know that the ground must rest and next year there will be more wonderful things in our garden to delight us.
Are there things in your life that need to be gently eased out of your life? Maybe there are bad relationships or habits or thoughts that need to be weeded out of your life. Don't be afraid to do a little gardening in your own life.
Every gardener knows that unless we get to the roots, we really are not getting rid of the problem. It may go away for awhile but unless we get to the root, it will sneak back into the garden very quickly.
Although the harvest time is here there is no time to stop weeding the garden of our minds. This garden needs constant attention in order for us to flourish and be all that we can be. The only way to keep this garden in top shape is to make sure that no weeds are there trying to strangle any good we are trying to do. The weeds of our mind, of course are negative thoughts that like to creep in and keep us from achieving that which we are striving for.
William James said, "Human beings, by changing the inner attitudes of their minds, can change the outer aspects of their lives."
How do we change the inner attitudes of our minds? By changing the way we think. We must put fear and negativity behind us. How, you ask? Just as the leaves of autumn gently blow from the tree, don't try and make a change in your thinking over night and expect to get instant results. We cannot rip these thoughts out of our minds, as much as we would like to sometimes. No, we need to be gentle on ourselves and let positive thoughts replace the negative.
Yes it will take some work on your part. You must constantly fill your mind with positive thoughts. Proverbs 27: 3 says, "As a man thinketh in his heart, so is he. We are what we think". When the negative thoughts come into your mind, you must be ready and willing to replace those thoughts with positive ones. Just say to yourself, no, I won't let that thought take over my mind, I will think positively. Affirmations are good to have readily available so you can replace the negative thought with the positive one. It won't be easy, it won't be hard either, it will just be different, like that new pair of shoes we were talking about earlier.
The autumn leaves fall to make way for new life. We too must go through changes that will bring new growth to our bodies, souls and spirits.
Change is inevitable, so why fight it? Why be afraid of it? Yes, change will require us to do a bit of readjusting but it is always worth it. Don't be afraid of change, a change will do you good.
Thursday, August 18, 2016
3 Ways to Advance Your Goals
3:38:00 AM
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Advance Your Goals |
"The trouble with not having a goal is that you can spend your life running up and down the field and never scoring." -Bill Copeland
Beginning with the end in mind is the endowment of imagination . If you are the programmer, write the program, says, goal expert- Stephen R. Covey. Goals help us to focus, and the quality of our attention is enhanced by a having a project so cool and interesting that we can't help but make a leap. Let's say, you want to organize your work-space so that everyone is inspired to do their best work. The in-between steps: like ergonomic concerns & planning comfortable lighting, in-and-of itself can seem mundane, but joined together they name a bigger accomplishment and by doing so, asks us to spice up our expectations & upgrade who we are. Focus on success & keep in mind how you want things to end up--And you will soon enough be successful.
-- name the accomplishment
-- give your project a title
-- what needs to be done by when
-- how would you like things to end up
-- identify upbeat reasons for pursuing the goal
Define greatness, challenge the limits, double the goal, or try something new...These are just some of the sentiments that put our plans into action and move us towards revolutionary results. Look around and witness the very essence of commonplace activities being tested and re-imagined. Such as schools re-defining Physical Education by bringing in activities ranging from kickboxing to more esoteric offerings like tai chi and yoga. And with the introduction of Blogs, an international conversation is in full swing with millions of links and a central clearing house inspired by immediacy, intrigue and tension. Raising the bar on a project can simply mean taking one extra step, having an allegiance to a weird idea, or devoting to a regular practice. Commit to a goal in a meaningful way, personalize it & make it your own, and then watch an otherwise sleepy project wake up and give way to a new found energy, creativity and distinction .Shoot for the moon. Even if you miss, you'll land among the stars."
-- double the goal
-- challenge the limits
-- create a regular practice
-- raise your standards,values or beliefs
-- make it a game
Sometimes a goal deserves a break. TIME MAGAZINE reported that after 8 hours of sleep you'd be more than twice as likely to find a shortcut for solving a problem. Suggesting that taking it easy is good for the brain, and what's good for the brain is good for the overall psyche and soul. Are you doing too much, not getting nourished and being exhausted? Well perhaps its time to consider another path. Dont re-invent the wheel. Pick up a book written by an expert, join a group that's geared around your project, sign up for an informational newsletter , or ask someone to buddy up & help. For instance, if I was writing a screen-play and struggling with a self imposed deadline, I could simplify my project just by signing up for a writing class. What with weekly writing tasks & in-class exercises this alone would expedite the development of my script. Another over looked short cut is to consider smaller steps. The smaller the increments the easier the goal. Deng Ming-Dao, writes in EVERYDAY TAO, An inch in one direction, then an inch in another already makes a span of 2 inches. Gradually we can improve on that. Go the path of least resistance, its a gift of energy.
-- don't reinvent the wheel-find someone who's done it before
-- slow down or change the pace
-- keep to minimum daily standards
-- write everything down--loose ideas vs. lost ideas
-- the smaller the increments the easier the goal
Being First, Being Original, Being Innovative
3:14:00 AM
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innovation and creativity |
There is an often missed distinction between Being the First, Being Original, and Being Innovative.
To determine that someone (or something) has been the first, we need to apply a temporal test. It should answer at least three questions: what exactly was done, when exactly was it done and was this ever done before.
To determine whether someone (or something) is original - a test of substance has to be applied. It should answer at least the following questions: what exactly was done? when exactly was it done and was this ever done before.
To determine if someone (or something) is innovative - a practical test has to be applied. It should answer at least the following questions: what exactly was done, in which way was it done and was exactly this ever done before in exactly the same way.
Reviewing the tests above leads us to two conclusions:
1.. Being first and being original are more closely linked than being first and being innovative or than being original and being innovative.
The tests applied to determine "firstness" and originality are the same.2.. Though the tests are the same, the emphasis is not.
To determine whether someone or something is a first, we primarily ask "when" - while to determine originality we primarily ask "what".Innovation helps in the conservation of resources and, therefore, in the delicate act of human survival. Being first demonstrates feasibility ("it is possible"). By being original, what is needed or can be done is expounded upon. And by being innovative, the practical aspect is revealed: how should it be done.
Society rewards these pathfinders with status and lavishes other tangible and intangible benefits upon them - mainly upon the Originators and the Innovators. The Firsts are often ignored because they do not directly open a new path - they merely demonstrate that such a path is there. The Originators and the Innovators are the ones who discover, expose, invent, put together, or verbalize something in a way which enables others to repeat the feat (really to reconstruct the process) with a lesser investment of effort and resources.
It is possible to be First and not be Original. This is because Being First is context dependent. For instance: had I traveled to a tribe in the Amazon forests and quoted a speech of Kennedy to them - I would hardly have been original but I would definitely have been the first to have done so in that context (of that particular tribe at that particular time). Popularizers of modern science and religious missionaries are all first at doing their thing - but they are not original. It is their audience which determines their First-ness - and history which proves their (lack of) originality.
Many of us reinvent the wheel. It is humanly impossible to be aware of all that was written and done by others before us. Unaware of the fact that we are not the first, neither original or innovative - we file patent applications, make "discoveries" in science, exploit (not so) "new" themes in the arts.
Society may judge us differently than we perceive ourselves to be - less original and innovative. Hence, perhaps, is the syndrome of the "misunderstood genius". Admittedly, things are easier for those of us who use words as their raw material: there are so many permutations, that the likelihood of not being first or innovative with words is minuscule. Hence the copyright laws.
Yet, since originality is measured by the substance of the created (idea) content, the chances of being original as well as first are slim. At most, we end up restating or re-phrasing old ideas. The situation is worse (and the tests more rigorous) when it comes to non-verbal fields of human endeavor, as any applicant for a patent can attest.
But then surely this is too severe! Don't we all stand on the shoulders of giants? Can one be original, first, even innovative without assimilating the experience of past generations? Can innovation occur in vacuum, discontinuously and disruptively? Isn't intellectual continuity a prerequisite?
True, a scientist innovates, explores, and discovers on the basis of (a limited and somewhat random) selection of previous explorations and research. He even uses equipment - to measure and perform other functions - that was invented by his predecessors. But progress and advance are conceivable without access to the treasure troves of the past. True again, the very concept of progress entails comparison with the past. But language, in this case, defies reality. Some innovation comes "out of the blue" with no "predecessors".
Scientific revolutions are not smooth evolutionary processes (even biological evolution is no longer considered a smooth affair). They are phase transitions, paradigmatic changes, jumps, fits and starts rather than orderly unfolding syllogisms (Kuhn: "The Structure of Scientific Revolutions").
There is very little continuity in quantum mechanics (or even in the Relativity Theories). There is even less in modern genetics and immunology. The notion of laboriously using building blocks to construct an ebony tower of science is not supported by the history of human knowledge. And what about the first human being who had a thought or invented a device - on what did he base himself and whose work did he continue?
Innovation is the father of new context. Original thoughts shape the human community and the firsts among us dictate the rules of the game. There is very little continuity in the discontinuous processes called invention and revolution. But our reactions to new things and adaptation to the new world in their wake essentially remain the same. It is there that continuity is to be found.
Monday, August 15, 2016
10 Reasons Why Friendliness Is A Leadership Necessity
7:00:00 AM
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Friendliness Is A Leadership Necessity |
We've heard it many times, "It's a dog eat dog world." The trouble is, some leaders actually believe it. They conduct themselves like the alpha dog in a pack, holding sway through intimidation. This instinctive behavior helps insure survival in a dog world, but applied to the human world of organizational dynamics, it can lead to disaster.
Alpha dog leadership can eventually turn out to be destructive to the people, their organization, and the leaders themselves. To use another common metaphor, "That dog won't hunt."
After all, leaders do nothing more important than get results; and the best results are what I've been teaching for more than two decades, "more results faster, continually." An alpha-dog leader might chew up people to get more results and get them faster, but I submit that it takes a far different personality trait to engender the "continually" aspect of the imperative. That trait isn't the despot modeled by so many leaders, it's ... well, friendliness.
Having a friendly attitude as a leader means eschewing the alpha-dog way of leadership. It means being gentle, kind, helpful, and cordial in your relationships, even in times of anger and stress -- ESPECIALLY in times of anger and stress. Here are 10 reasons friendliness gets far more results than an alpha-dog way.
1: We stay in control.
Apha-dog leaders seek to control others. But they misconstrue what control really means. In truth, such leaders are really out of control much of the time, since they're at the mercy of their emotional outbursts and the reactions of others to those outbursts. In leadership, the best way to control a situation, i.e., the best way to get great results, is to put the people in control. Don't constrain them through short-term compulsion but liberate them by playing the "longer game." Unleash their initiative and creativity by allowing them to make free choices, and they will be under your "control" in more profound and effective ways than the alpha-dog leader could imagine.2: People respond more openly and positively to friendliness.
Humans seek happiness; and friendliness is a great way to spread happiness. It enables you to communicate much more effectively because it bonds you with others in ways that anger, coercion, intimidation can't. And that bonding is the stuff that great results flow from.3: We are modeling good interactions, bringing the future into the present.
Whether leaders know it or not, their words and actions are carefully watched by the people they lead. People have an instinctive need to model those words and actions; or if they disagree with them, speak and act in opposite ways. By radiating friendliness, leaders are being the means that are the ends in the making.4: We make real issues relevant factors, not false issues like anger and intimidation.
Friendliness tends to clarify issues; intimidation, because it is associated with fear, obfuscates them. So often intimidating leaders make themselves and their tormenting ways the issue. Whereas the real issues should be, how do we get results, how do we get more results, how do we get faster results, and how do we get "more, faster" continually? The fear they provoke is like crack cocaine, temporarily stimulating but addictive and in the long run destructive to the leader and the people.5: With friendliness, we set the agenda.
"A good offense is the best defense" applies with friendliness. You should be on the offense with friendliness, displaying it even in challenging circumstances when it may take an act of disciplined courage on your part. This helps you set the agenda in terms of how people respond to one another in these circumstances. Of course, your friendliness will not affect some people who may be determined to subvert your leadership no matter what your attitude is; however, friendliness can, like the clearing of brush-lines to contain a forest fire, keep rancor from spreading deeply into the organization.6: We increase the chance that others will support our cause.
The truth is that leaders can't motivate anybody to do anything. The people make the choice to be motivated or not. Friendly leaders have the best chance of creating an environment in which the people make that choice. As Abraham Lincoln said, "If you would win a man to your cause, first convince him that you are his sincere friend. Therein is a drop of honey that catches his heart, which, say what he will, is the great highroad to his reason, and which, once gained, you will find but little trouble in convincing him of the justice of your cause, if indeed that cause is really a good one."7: Our opponents can be put off balance.
As a leader, you'll often have people working against you, spoiling for a fight; and when they encounter a friendly attitude on your part, they may be thrown off balance in benignly effective ways. Furthermore, your friendliness can encourage others to take up your cause against them.8: With friendliness everybody has an opportunity to win. Unfriendly leaders often win battles but lose wars.
They may compel others to get on board; but if those others do so out of compulsion and not genuine conviction and motivation, the fruits of any victories can become ashes. Most people welcome friendliness -- even if they disagree with and even dislike the leader. Furthermore, our friendliness can prompt the people we interact with to reflect on their own character, a prerequisite for their choosing to be motivated. In an environment of friendliness, all parties have an opportunity to achieve something positive.9:Friendliness is fire prevention equipment against your burning bridges behind you.
An opponent may seem to be your opponent today but in the future you may need him to be your partner in implementing changes. Friendliness gives us an opportunity to have productive relationships even with those who oppose us, enriching both the present and the future.10: Getting results through friendliness can take a lot less energy than getting results through coercion and intimidation.
Friendliness isn't an absolute necessity in leadership. I've seen great leaders who were terrific curmudgeons. It's just that unfriendly people have to go through a lot more trouble getting people motivated.Two caveats.
One, friendliness can be mistaken for weakness.
In fact, friendliness can BE weakness if it manifests as a way of avoiding challenging people to do the hard things to get great results. In leadership, friendliness has a clear function which is to people achieve constantly improving results. This entails your challenging people to do what they often don't want to do. Anybody can be nice to them and let them do what they want. But a leader must continually be challenging people to struggle mightily for extraordinary results. If friendliness doesn't help you fulfill that function then it's simply a lifestyle choice, not a leadership tool, and ultimately in terms of leadership, a weakness.Two, even if you do use it as a strong leadership tool, you certainly can't be friendly 100 percent of the time.
If you try to be, you'll find yourself becoming a rather one-dimensional leader. One of the most difficult accomplishments facing any leader is simply being who you really are \96 especially under pressure. To force-fit friendliness in a situation where you might not ordinarily exhibit it or to use friendliness to manipulate people into conforming to your wishes is not the best leadership uses of friendliness.It may be a dog-eat-dog world; but by progressing in the Way of friendliness, leaders can invest their lives and this world with moments of beauty and meaning -- and get more results in the bargain.
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